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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Modeling of Kala Field, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria

Wobo, C J , Ideozu, R.U*
Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – This research is focused on Petrophysical properties of Kala Field Eastern Niger Delta and reservoir modeling. Data used for this research include 3-D Seismic in Seg-Y and suites of well logs. Normal faults trending NW-SE has been delineated on the seismic data of Kala Field. The lateral extent of reservoirs E and F have also been delineated in blocks (A, B and C) and modeled with the results of the petrophysical analysis. The results of the average petrophysical values of Reservoirs E and F in the delineated blocks are as follows porosity (25% for Block A, 25% for Block B, and 23% for Block C), permeability 291md for Block A, 300 md for Block B, 1990 md for Block C), Net-to-Gross ratio (for Block A is 0.74, for Block B is 0.80 and for Block C is 0.66 respectively), water saturation (for Reservoir A is 45%, , for Block B is 39%, and Block C is 37% respectively) and the Stock tank oil initially in place for Reservoirs E and F in Block A is 54.71 mm stb, B is 26.83 mm stb , and C is 15.47mm stb respectively. The results of the petrophysics petrophysical analysis shows that the porosity and permeability values within the Reservoirs E and F indicate significant accumulation of hydrocarbon in the studied reservoirs.

Key Words: Petrophysical properties, Reservoir Modeling, Niger Delta


Investigations are routinely carried out to evaluate and improve on knowledge of source and habitat of hydrocarbon such as in the Kala Field, Niger Delta. The various levels of investigation vital to understanding source and habitat of hydrocarbons can be derived from the information generated from the sedimentary basin, petroleum systems analysis, play, and prospect evaluations. In the petroleum industry, static modeling is required to create a computer model of petroleum reservoirs to increase the assessment of reserves and take necessary steps to improve field development. (Stephen, 2007). Petrophysics play an import role in characterizing and evaluating reservoirs of a permeable and porous unit (reservoir rock), the rock fluid properties in situ, which could aid the rate of recovery and quantity of oil produced. The study area is located in the eastern part of the Niger Delta (Figures 1 -2). The geology, stratigraphy, structural geology, sedimentology and petroleum geology of the Niger Delta is well established. See the works of Orife and Avbovbo (1982), Corredo et al (2005), Burke et al (1971, 1972),

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