Physical Properties of Hybrid Particulate Composite Materials

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue X, October 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705

Physical Properties of Hybrid Particulate Composite Materials

[1]M. Lava Kumar,[2]P.K.Venu and [3]Dr. M. Amala Justus Selvam
[1]Associate Professor, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, SIETK, Puttur, AP, India.
[2]P.G.Students, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, SIETK, Puttur, AP, India.
[3]Head & Professor, Dept. Automobile Engineering, Vel Tech University, Chennai, TN, India

Abstract: In recent past automobile industry is growing enormously. All the manufacturers of automobiles are in the process of supplying them at low cost. The cost of the automobile depends on the materials used in the processes. So, all the researchers are concentrating on new materials which will be strong enough, low cost, less weight, recyclable, high specific strength, non abrasive, eco-friendly, fairly good mechanical properties with biodegradable characteristics. In nature, none of the single material will have all the required properties. Hence much amount of research is intensified on the composite materials. In India, large amount of borassus fruit fibre and coconut leaf sheath fibre is available in different states which can be utilized for the preparation of composite materials.. To obtain this new composite material in different ratios, the present experimental work is planned accordingly with the above materials. Physical tests such as Impact & Flexural test will be conducted to evaluate Impact & Flexural strength of the composites

IJRISS Call for paper

Keywords – Borassus fruit fibre, Coconut leaf sheath fibre , Impact & Flexural test


Natural fibre have played a very important role in human civilization since prehistoric times. The Natural fibre reinforced composite has recently attracted the attention of researchers because they are environmental friendly, being light weight, strong, cheap, nonabrasive, high specific mechanical properties and abundantly available. In present research, we have been characterized the behaviour barassus and coconut sheath fibre . The borassus and coconut leaf sheath fibre are available in nature. It is a genus six species of fan palms, native to tropical regions of Africa, India and Gunea. They are growing upto 30 m high and 2-3 m long. The flower small in densely clustered spikes, followed by large brown, roundish fruits. Coconut tree is native to coastal areas of Southeast Asia (Malaysia,Indonesia, and Philippines), tropical Pacific islands Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia) and westward to coastal India, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and tropical islands (e.g., Seychelles, Andaman, Mauritius) in the Indian Ocean. Many fibre are available in different parts of the coconut tree (Satyanarayana et al. 1982). The sheath is made up of an inner mat which is sand wiched between two layers of coarse fibre .