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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VII, Issue VIII, August 2022 | ISSN 2454–6194

Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Ground Water Quality in and around Oil Refinery near by Nagpur City in India

 Dr. D.G. Battalwar and Hitendra Dhargave
Department HOD, GYAN ENVIRO, Nagpur, India

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This paper is intended to be a study concerning ground water quality at Refinery in Nagpur city, Maharashtra. Regional and seasonal variation of some physico-chemical parameters such as nutrients salts, total phosphorus , in addition , temperature, pH, conductivity , dissolved oxygen ,chemical oxygen (COD), Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS) were determined for the estimation of pollution load during January to December 2011.The sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance .A monitoring network was set at representative site in the whole studied area and water samples were taken regular basis for laboratory analysis . Important variations have occurred in the investigated area as a result of oil refinery works and discharge of waste water. All the calculated ground water quality parameters in studied lakes showed fair water quality rating in autumn season which then change to medium in winter seasons and higher during rainy seasons. The situation is alarming and degradation is in continues process, therefore immediate action is required for its better management.

Keywords: ground water quality; pollution; physico-chemical; management


Analysis of ground water and surface water is becoming increasingly important in order to monitor the ground water quality. This activity also forms a pre-requisite for treatability studies or to assess the health effects. The oil refineries located in Khapri village, Wardha Road, Nagpur is supplying petroleum fuels to retail outlets and bulk consumers like Railways, Electricity Boards, and Power Industries etc. in Vidharbha region of Maharashtra. The products are received through (road and/or rail and/or pipeline and/or sea tanker etc.) Mode of transportation and dispatched to the end consumers through road1.
This oil refineries were functional since 1983 is operated in accordance with the provisions of licenses/consents granted by the Chief Controller of Explosive, Govt. of India, Chief Factory Inspector, Maharashtra and Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board as per the relevant statutory Acts and Rules of Govt. of India and Maharashtra. The installation has been designed, operated and maintained in accordance with the statutory provisions and industry standards to ensure its safe and smooth functioning.2


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