International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705
Physiochemical Analysis of Pushakaram Water from Krishna River
D Sravani[1], K. Mrudula Devi [2]
[1]Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Aditya College of Engineering and Technology, Surampalem, Kakinada, India
[2]Assistant Professor of Chemistry Aditya College of Pharmacy, India
Abstract: Krishna river is holy river known from the ancient times. Pushakaram or kumbamela is festival celebrated for every 12 years. for each river. a holy dip in the river is believed to clear sins and cure skin diseases. due to huge crowd dip in the river the water is more prone to pollution. Knowing its importance of pushakarm, the guntupalli ghat is selected for study. The present study to analyse the certain parameters collected Krishna water in pushakar and values are compared with WHO, BIS and EPA STANDARD VALUES. there are many parameters are studied in order to determine the quality of the water such as PH ,TURBIDITY , transparency, TOTAL HARDNESS OF WATER,TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS ,CONDUCTIVITY and IRON percentage in the results as the day goes on the turbidity and TDS and hardness of water is increasing. every parameter is a significant for relating with increased river water pollution during the period of pushkar, the measure to be taken is increasing the water levels and checking the water quality, removing water hardness and killing the disease causing germs by establishing a water treatment plant and creating public awareness and regarding maintaining the quality of water in pushakar times.
Key words: Krishna pushakar water, parameters, pollution, measures
The Krishna river is the 4th biggest river in terms of water inflow and river basis in area in India after the Ganga, Godavari Brahmaputra, the Krishna river in westen ghats near mahabalishwara at an elevation of about 1300 kilometers along. The river is also called as krishnaveni it is major sours of irrigation for Maharashtra Karnataka, telagana, an average annual, surface water potential of 78.1 Km has been assessed in this basin. Out of this, 58 Kms is utilizable water cultivable area in the basin is about 203,000kms which is 10.4% of the total cultivable area of the counter as water availability in the Krishna river was becoming inadequate to meet the water demand.
Krishna pushakaram is a festival of river Krishna which normally oceans once in every 12 years and is celebrated with much glory. The pushakaram is Observed for a period of 12days from the time of enter of Jupiter into Virgo (kany rasi). The celebration 12th August 2016 and ended on 23 August 2016.