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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Porang as Strategic Commodity to Scale Up Community Empowerment in Sumberejo, Pasuruan

Jojok Dwiridotjahjono, Purwadi, Praja Firdaus Nuryananda
Department Business Administration, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesdia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Sumberejo Village in Pasuruan Regency, East Java, is a village that has potential assets in the agricultural and tourism sectors. The agricultural potential in Sumberejo is increasing when the super strategic commodity porang is introduced as a new commodity to be cultivated through the Sinar Agro Permata farmer group. Porang cultivation aims to advance and increase the income of the agricultural sector and empower farmers in Sumberejo. Since, porang production requires new knowledge, the Sinar Agro Permata group is still experiencing confusion and concerns about results that are not in line with existing expectations. This scientific article is the result of research on empowering agriculture communities in Sumberejo Village. The research was conducted using a mixed-method approach presented descriptively and using in-depth interview instruments, participatory observation, focus group discussions, and literature study. The research results showed that the porang commodity has not been able to provide maximum leverage for community empowerment. Porang has become a new product for Sinar Agro Permata in Sumberejo, so it requires time and ongoing assistance. With the application of the hexa-helix approach and the behavior drivers model, the research found that there are still three of the six hexa-helix components that have been integrated in this empowerment program. Meanwhile, in the behavior drivers model, this study also found that the Sumberejo community needed driving factors to the individual level to change their mindset, both in terms of farming and as farmers. It will still take time for the empowerment of the Sumberejo community with porang cultivation to reach its maximum potential. Even with the role of stakeholders who are required to be collaborative and sustainable.

Keywords: behavior drivers model, community empowerment, farmer, hexa-helix, porang


The community of Sumberejo in Pasuruan Regency is a typical agrarian society in East Java which has the creative power to increase socio-economic welfare. With their domicile located at the foot of Mount Arjuno, it is relatively easy for the people of Sumberejo to form an agricultural ecosystem that can support their lives as an agrarian society. In 2021, in order to increase efforts to restore the socio-economic conditions of the people in East Java, the Sinar Agro Permata Farmers Group became a representative of a farmer group in the province to cultivate porang or Amarphopallus onchopillus L commodities, which was supported by the Regional Development Governmental Institution. The porang plant has been designated as Indonesia’s national super strategic commodity, in addition to swiftlet nests (Purwadi, Hidayat, & Sasongko, 2021). Porang has also been proven suitable to be planted side by side with

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