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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VII, July 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Potential Pollution of Mahakam Cascade Lake Water Pollution (Semayang Lake, Melintang Lake and Jempang Lake) From Garbage and Household Waste

Lariman, Mislan
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University
Jl. Barong Tongkok No.4 Kampus Gunung Kelua Samarinda, East Kalimantan

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Mahakam Kaskade Lake (Semayang Lake, Melintang Lake and Jempang Lake) is the largest flood exposure lake in East Kalimantan. The villages in Semayang Lake, Melintang Lake and Jempang Lake are settlements that are regularly flooded every year, while for generations the people in the research area have used lake water as a source of bathing, washing and latrine (MCK) water. Sources of lake water pollution are domestic waste in the form of organic and inorganic materials from residential areas in water catchment areas and lake borders. The existence of other activities in the form of agriculture, animal husbandry, home industry and tourism will add to the waste of organic and inorganic materials that enter the lake waters, therefore it is necessary to investigate the potential for lake water pollution. This study aims to determine how big the potential for water pollution of Mahakam Kaskade Lake from garbage and household waste. The research was conducted using a survey method, namely conducting interviews and direct observations in the field. The data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data that are relevant to the research objectives. Based on the survey results, it can be seen that Jempang Lake has the potential to be polluted by household organic waste 1.4 – 2.7 tons/day, Melintang Lake has the potential to be contaminated with household organic waste 0.9 – 1.4 tons/day, while Semayang Lake has the potential to be polluted. household organic waste is around 1.7 – 2.7 tons/day, while Jempang Lake has the potential to be polluted by inorganic waste (plastic) about 1.2 tons/day, Melintang Lake has the potential to be polluted by inorganic waste (plastic) about 0, 7 Tons/Day and Semayang Lake has the potential to be polluted by inorganic waste (plastic) of around 1.2 Tons/Day. Therefore, the relevant agencies must immediately try to overcome this pollution problem so that the Mahakan Cascade Lake is not further damaged.

Keywords: Household Waste, Garbage, Mahakam Cascade Lake, Pollution Potential


The Regulation of the Minister of the Environment Number 28 of 2009 concerning the Load Capacity of Lake and/or Reservoir Water Pollution defines a lake as a water container and its ecosystem that is formed naturally, including lakes and similar water containers as local terms (MenLH, 2009).
Lakes are freshwater ecosystems based on their water flow, including stagnant water ecosystems (lentic). Lakes can be formed through various natural processes such as earthquakes (tectonic), faults, volcanic eruptions (volcanic), flood plains, meanders (Hadisusanto, 2015), Semayang Lake,