International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VI, June 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Principal’Leadership and Teacher : Curriculum Change
Rias Tusianah1, Irawan Suntoro1, Dedy Hermanto Karwan1
1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
Abstract — The Education growth of a nation depends on the improvement in education. Human development to a great extend on the improvement in Education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Curriculum Change on Principal’ Leadership and Teacher. A literature review was made in Google Scholar and DOI . The finding of the researcher that The Curriculum Change have impact on principals’ leadership and Teacher .
Quality of education is a pillar to produce good and reliable human resources, so efforts should always be done continuously improvement curriculum so that the curriclum change quality of education is better. Therefore, it is necessary to make special policies for improvement.
Keywords : Curriculum Change, Principal Leadership, Teacher
The goal of a successful educational program and thus effective curriculum development should be to meet the needs and current demands of the culture, the society, and the expectations of the population being served [1]. Curriculum development can be challenging, therefore the involvement of all stakeholders, especially individuals who are directly involved in student instruction, are a vital piece in successful curriculum development and revision.
Curriculum is a complex social and educational construct that leads itself to a plethora of definitions – somenarrow, some broad. Scholars define it to suit their various view points. In general terms, however, curriculum is a systematically organized body of knowledge through which the goals of education can be achieved for the fulfillment of the needs and aspirations of any given society [9]. unsuccessful implementation curriculum change one of is caused by unprofessionalm principal leadership therefore The quality of education will be well implemented if the principal has professionalism so that the principal, with broader and flexible authority, can manage the decision independently.