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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Principals’ supervision as correlate of teachers’ effectiveness in senior secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria

Abubakar A.A., Luka Y.B., Musa M., Yahaya K & Bukar S.Y
Umar Suleiman College of Education Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study investigated the’ Principals’ Supervision as a correlate of teachers’ effectiveness in senior secondary schools in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study adopted one purpose, one research question and one null hypothesis. The population of the study was 5,322 subjects comprising school administrators and classroom teachers of senior secondary schools in Yobe State. The Sample size of the study is 359 elements selected using Taro Yamane’s method and 25 senior secondary schools was selected through purposive sampling. A structured questionnaire with 20 items was used to gather data. Using five likert format rating scale. The statistical tool used in the analysis of two research question was mean and standard deviation while linear regression analysis was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from this study revealed that supervision in senior secondary schools in Yobe State is moderate and teachers’ effectiveness is high in senior secondary schools in Yobe State. Principals’ supervision and teachers’ effectiveness were found to have a statistically significant relationship in senior secondary schools in Yobe State,. The study also recommended that the Yobe State Government should adequately provide sufficient physical facilities to all senior secondary schools in Yobe State. Principals should be adequately trained and enlightened with more supervision strategies as well as organizing seminars, workshops and conferences in the schools

Key word: Principals’ Supervision and teachers’ effectiveness

Background of the Study

Olowoselu and Bello (2015) asserted that, school principal is a supervisor who provides direction and expert advice on development of teaching and learning in school. The principal has a duty to lead, guide, conduct, direct and motivate both the teaching and non-teaching staff toward achievement of the school goals and objectives. Oyewole (2014) defined supervision as the process of bringing about improvement in the teaching-learning process through a network of cooperative activities and democratic relationship of persons concerned with teaching and learning objectives. According to Luka et al., ( 2018) every leader in every organization, public or private perform certain tasks for the improvement of organizational performance. The manner in which the leader performs these roles and directs the affairs of the organization is referred to as an administrative activity where Some leaders are more interested in the work to be done than in the people they work with, while others pay more attention to their relationship with subordinates than the job. Leaders express leadership in many ways, these among others include: directing, organizing communicating, formulating and supervision, in order to achieve the aims and objectives. Luka et al., ( 2018) defined teachers’ effectiveness in respect to the performance of teacher in classroom management, mastery of subject matter, teaching delivery and extra-curriculum activities in the school which incorporates the pupil backgrounds, the pupils’ personal characteristics.