International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Production and Biodegradability of Biodiesel From Lagenaria Siceraria Seed Oil
A. A. Mahmoud1*, S. I. Kwada2, A.Jauro3, A. Abubakar4
1,2,3,4Department of Chemistry, Abubarkar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: – The production, physicochemical properties and biodegradability of biodiesel from the seeds oil of Lagenariasiceraria (calabash) was carried out. Oil was extracted from the seeds using soxhlet extractor with n-hexane; then trans-esterified using single step alkali hydrolysis to biodiesel. The biodiesel produced was analyzed for its physicochemical and fuel properties using ASTM methods and other methods. The specific gravity (SG), density, flash point, cloud point, pour point and percentage yield of the methyl esters were found to be 4.68, 0.86 g/ cm3, 138°C, 4°C, 0°C and 59.44%, respectively. The biodegradability of the biodiesel assessed by the standard CO2 evolution method, revealed that Lagenariasiceraria biodiesel is ultimately biodegraded (59.39%).This suggest that Lageneriasiceraria seed oil is a potential source of environmental friendly biodiesel.
Keywords:- Lagenariasiceraria, Biodiesel, Biodegradation, Environment, Inoculums