RSIS International

Project Design Approaches, Community Participation and Performance of Water Projects

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Project Design Approaches, Community Participation and Performance of Water Projects

Obadiah Mutinda Kithome1, Dr. Angelline Mulwa2, Dr. Charles M. Wafula3
1PhD Student, University of Nairobi-Kenya
2,3Lecturers ,University of Nairobi-Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The performance of water projects can be influenced by project design approaches and community participation. Access to water is a basic human need and a fundamental human right that is key for human and economic development. The provision of sustainable water supply in terms of quantity and quality is a critical aspect in achieving socio-economic development. The Constitution of Kenya 2010, states that every person has a right to clean and safe water in adequate quantities, however, this has been impaired by the current poor performance of water projects across the world, which has been a result of project design challenges coupled by low community participation which has led to dismal performance of water projects. The main aim of this study paper was to review existing literature to establish the relationship among project design approaches, community participation, and performance of water projects. In project planning and management context, the performance of water projects can be either positive or negative depending on whether it was implemented within the triple constraint of time, cost, and quality to the scope and delivered sustainable benefits to the clients. The study utilised a desktop review to access the available literature on project design approaches, community participation in the performance of water projects across the world. The study was based on the systems and stakeholder theories and the following propositions were made;- availability of resources, project risk management, monitoring and evaluation, and community participation have a significant influence on the performance of water projects. The paper concluded that project design approaches and community participation influence the performance of water projects. The study recommended that availability of resources, risk management, monitoring and evaluation, and community participation should be clear in the project life cycle stages to enhance performance in the water projects.

Keywords: Project design, project design approaches, community participation, project performance, water projects


A project can be considered as a set of activities that must be completed in accordance with specific objectives which involve utilization of a company’s resources (Bakar., Razak, Karim, Yusof& Modifa, 2011). The authors further define a project as a temporary endeavor having a definitive beginning and definitive end undertaken to create a unique product or service. According to Project Management Body of Knowledge, a project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. The temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a definite