International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Protection of Farm by Wild Animals
Twinkle Sujit Tiwari1, Vasim Sharifbhai Garana2, Suraj Jitendra Patel2, Shruti Khatri3
1UG Student, Department of ECE, Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
2UG Student, Department of EE, Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
3Assistant Professor, Department of EE, Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Abstract: As technology is growing at a rapid speed so in every field the use of modern technology has been also increased rapidly in recent years. Modern farming is the need of today’s world. This proposal gives solution of the problems faced by the farmers. Farmers are facing problems, like farm protection, crop cutting, gardening, cleaning and pesticide sprinkling. It also gives the idea how the above mentioned problems are overcome. As protecting crop from the animals is the major concern, so firstly this proposal focused on farm protection which is based on the traditional method of protecting field from animals. For implementing the idea of farm protection PIR sensor, RF module, AVR controller and fire generating circuit with crackers are used.
Key words: Farm protection, fire generating circuit, Cutting of crop, sprinkling of pesticides, soil moisturing sensor.
We surveyed on the protection of farm for the low costing purpose. Fencing method is quite costly for farmers to afford.
In our project we introduce the problems regarding farm. Farm protection is been done by less harming the animals. It has be done through firing of crackers at the boundary of farm to protect from wild animals. In this were used the wireless technology for protecting the farm through RF module, AVR controller, etc. While using another technique of crop cutting, in the farm and gardening, while sprinkling of pesticide in farm care our main objective of the farm. So we need a more appropriate machine used for this to reduce the farm wastage and make economical and easier for farmers.
Our aim is to reduce the cost of farmer by implementing some new techniques for farm. The protection of farm can be done through the easier way of wireless technology by using RF module to send the distance at a large way. The project should be useful for farmers and all other related person. Its main aim is to provide future a brighter for the farm purpose.