International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Eric Sunday*, Dr. Mohammad Ssendagi
School of Graduate Studies and Research, Team University, Plot 446, Kabaka Ajagara.rd. Kampala-Uganda
*Corresponding Author
Abstract:-The study on “Public Engagement and Revenue collection Effectiveness in Kagadi Town Council” concentrated on analyzing the impact of public engagement on revenue collection effectiveness in Kagadi Town Council, Kagadi Local Government.
The researcher carried out a quantitative research with non-experimental, co-relational, cross-sectional, survey design considering a cross-sectional trend in order to reduce time and cost(s) involved. The target population was 1000 people from where a sample size of 278 respondents was sampled for the study using a combination of Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were employed. The researcher also carried out the validity and reliability of the research instruments that revealed R sqd (Alpha) value of 0.775 hence good fit.
The study findings revealed that public mobilization, public sensitization and consultations positively impact on the revenue contributions made by the business community in Kagadi Town Council. This was evidenced by Pearson’s rank correlation coefficients(r) of 0.534, 0.541 and 0.630 which were statistically significant at P-value (0.000<0.01) respectively.
Based on the study findings, it was recommended that in a way to further improve public mobilization, the town council tax administration should consider a range of assistance modalities to support revenue matters. And amongst them are the technical assistance, policy dialogue and financial assistance to guide public mobilization programs. Further there was need to promote transparency in order to improve accountability and awareness in various ways. In a move to broaden the consultation programs, the town council should encourage broad based dialogue on tax matters which include civil society groups, business and other stakeholders.
Key words: Public Engagement, Revenue collection Effectiveness, Public Mobilization, Public Sensitization, Public consultation
1.0 Introduction
This chapter was composed of the background of the study, problem statement, and purpose of study, specific objectives, research questions, hypotheses, scope and the significance of the study.