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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Public Participation Determinants and Implementation of Constituency Development Fund Projects for Public Schools in Kasipul Constituency, Homabay County- Kenya

 Lawi Oloo Olwa1, Dr. Andrew Nyang’au2
1Department of Management, School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
2Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Kisii University, Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Constituency development fund in Kenya was introduced in the year 2003 which was later amended in 2007 through CDF Act. This Act stated that 2.5% of GDP be sent to constituency for development projects. Also the Act stated that 5% be used for administration purposes by the CDF board, 95 % to be allotted as follows: three quarters allotted equally among the 290 constituencies, 25% to poverty index constituencies. The purpose of the study was to determine the determinants of public participation and their effects on implementation of constituency development fund school projects in Kasipul constituency, Homabay County. It was guided based on the following objectives: To determine the effects of economic determinants of public participation on constituency development fund school projects, to find out the effects of social-cultural determinants of public participation on constituency development fund school projects, to examine the effects of political determinants of public participation on constituency development fund school projects and to measure the effects of technological determinants of public participation on constituency development fund school projects. The study was anchored on Agency theory and Resource based theory. The target population for the study was 183,340 consisting of CDF funds manager, locational chiefs, assistant chiefs, constituency development fund committee, government representatives, school heads in both primary and secondary schools and the general public. This study adopted a descriptive and correlational research designs. Stratification sampling technique was used to obtain a sample size for the study. The sample size for the study was 400. A five point Likert closed questionnaires was used to collect primary data. Piloting was done in Karachuonyo Sub County to test reliability. 40 closed questionnaires were issued to CDF projects managers, CDF committee members, local administration, sub-location, school heads, government representatives and project beneficiaries in Karachuonyo sub County to test Reliability. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. Collected data was analyzed through mean, standard deviation and regression and correlation analyses. Analyzed data was presented in tables and figures. The study established that Schools in Kasipul constituency have enough infrastructure and facilities. In addition, the study found out that economic determinants had a positive and significant relationship with public participation in CDF school projects (r = .157, p =.002< 0.05). The study established that political determinants had a significant and positive effect on constituency development fund school projects r=.557 t=6.159, P=.000< 0.05. The study further found out that some projects initiated in schools by NG-CDF in Kasipul constituency conflicts social-cultural beliefs. The study concluded that NG-CDF school projects in Kasipul constituency were distributed according to the political support MP gets during general elections. Additionally, the study concluded that political determinants had a positive and significant relationship with public participation on CDF school projects. The study recommended that CDF school projects should be equitably and evenly distributed in Kasipul constituency without considering political support received or to be received but for the greatest common good of all people in Kasipul constituency. The study recommended that NG-CDF management in Kasipul constituency should provide technological means of receiving views from members of the public on the projects they intend to initiate in schools within Kasipul constituency. Technology would ensure timely dissemination of information to the public as well as views collection.

Keywords: Constituency development fund, public participation, school projects,