RSIS International

Quality Education Management Scholarship Based: Study Case Study of Model Smart Exelensia Indonesia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Quality Education Management Scholarship Based: Study Case Study of Model Smart Exelensia Indonesia

Abu Yazid Bastomi, Syaiful Bakhri, Rusmin Tumanggor
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- To help the lives of poor people become better by educating their children who have academic achievements, attending quality education by providing scholarships to them, scholarships are given by following the selection conducted by Mitra Dompet Dhuafa in every province in Indonesia.
This quality education funding is fully funded by Dompet Dhuafa, covering the cost of education, accommodation, consumption, health while attending education organized by SMART Ekselensia Indonesia.
The study was conducted descriptive descriptive method, by going to the place of education to conduct interviews with the principal, the teachers and the students’ children, besides conducting a questionnaire. As well as observing students, what facilities are owned by the educational institution.
From the results of the research conducted there is a difference in the recruitment of students conducted by Smart Ekselensia Indonesian educational institutions, namely they recruit students through Dompet Dhuafa partners throughout Indonesia with full conditions and certain provisions come from underprivileged children and have academic achievements.

Keywords: Education, Model, Quality, Recruitment


The weight of the burden on the lives of people who can not afford, workers generally meet the needs of life, for that workers always do a demonstration every May 1 as well as the commemoration of world labor day known as MAY, Jakarta, – 30 thousands of workers will do long march on Labor Day or May Day on May 1, 2018, there are 35 organizations that will be involved . They demanded to increase welfare. Low income makes it difficult to make ends meet.
The era of globalization has had a double impact; beneficial impacts and adverse impacts. The beneficial impact is providing opportunities