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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Reflectivity of Educational opportunities from Mother and Child Education Programme for disadvantaged and marginalized Groups in Yobe State, Nigeria

Shugaba Saminu
Department of Education, Yobe state University, Damaturu, Nigeria.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The Mother and Child Education Programme (MCEP) is a non-formal education programme initiated through the EFA, with financial support from patrons and friends and technical support from UNESCO, in one the southern states of Nigeria (River state). The provision of educational opportunities such as provision of literacy and life skills training, socio-economic empowerment of women and community youth to train as literacy facilitators and to earn an income in the programme covered disadvantaged and marginalized groups such as Mothers and children of Ogoni land, which is made up of six local government areas in Rivers State.
This paper therefore intends to identify the reflectivity of those educational opportunities which were availed from the programme implemented in the southern state and bring out the reflection of those educational opportunities to attention of Yobe state government to adapt the Mother and Child Education Programme (MCEP) through non-formal education structure and use it as measure to provide educational opportunities around literacy and life skills training, socio-economic empowerment of women and community youth to train as literacy facilitators and to earn an income in order to cushion the hardship of disadvantaged and marginalized groups such as widows, divorcees and abandoned wives and also help them to provide means of livelihood in Yobe state.

Key Words: Educational Opportunity, Mother and Child Education Programme, Disadvantaged and Marginalized Group and Reflectivity.


For every state or society to boost its social-economic development for their people in Nigeria, it must uphold the Nigeria’s educational philosophy in provision of equal educational opportunities to all regardless of status, region, tribe, class, sex and religion of the people, they may belong to. As enshrined in National Policy on Education (2013), The 1948 Universal declaration of human rights is emphatic that “everyone has the right to education. It states that education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.

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