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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Relationship Among Abseteeism, Lateness To Work, Turnover And Psychological Withdrawl Behaviour Of Academic Staff And Administrative Effectiveness Of Heads Of Department Of Universities In Edo State.

Azelema, B.A. Ph.D
Osumah, O.A. Ph.D
Department of Guidance and Counseling
Faculty of Education
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma,
Edo State, Nigeria.

IJRISS Call for paper


The study examined the relationship among academic staff absenteeism, lateness, turnover and psychological withdrawal behaviours and administrative effectiveness of heads of academic departments of the universities in Edo State. One hypothesis was formulated and tested in the study. The study adopted the combination of survey method and correlational research design. The academic staff of all the three public universities and four private universities in Edo State were selected for the study. A sample of 246 respondents representing approximately 10 percent of the population was drawn using the multi-stage sampling technique. The Cronbach reliability was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. The hypothesis was tested using the multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study showed that an inverse significant relationship exists among academic staff withdrawal behaviours (absenteeism, lateness to work, staff turnover and psychological withdrawal behaviour) and administrative effectiveness of the Heads of Departments in the Universities in Edo State. The study consequently recommended among others that: the university authorities should incorporate staff records on withdrawal behaviours in annual personnel appraisal to raise staff consciousness on them.

Keywords: Absenteeism, Lateness, Psychological Withdrawal behaviours

The Head of Department occupies a unique and strategic position in working towards ensuring efficient attainment of the goals of every Nigerian University. The conventional goals of the universities, according to National Policy on Education, are to teach for the purpose of imparting knowledge and developing skills, conduct research and provide community service, among other things (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2013). Education entails teaching, learning and development of the learner. The teacher occupies a pivotal position in playing these roles. It follows then that effective supervision of the teacher is key to education at every level required for development of every society.
The National Universities Commission (NUC) which supervises every Nigerian University ensures that their administrative structures are designed and operated as required to facilitate efficient attainment of the stated goals. The position of a head of department forms a part of this structure which is hierarchical in nature. There are many administrative units or departments, academic or non-academic, administered by their heads in the universities. Conventionally, heads of academic departments in faculties are those usually referred to as heads of departments. They supervise staff and students in their departments and are answerable to the Vice-Chancellor through the Dean in performing their functions. Apart from this vertical relationship, the administrative structure also provides for horizontal relationships as they interact with fellow heads of departments and heads of some other units as required by their functions.
The role of the head of department is particularly strategic because the three major conventional roles of the universities stated above are basically played by the academic staff under the supervision of the head of department. It is by these same basic roles that the academic staff is annually appraised as they reflect service delivery of the universities. The incumbent in the office is a lecturer also playing the normal role of a lecturer. The nature of his/her office demands that the way he/she plays the roles should demonstrate the required leadership role.

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