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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Relationship of Programming Skills and Perceived Value of Learning Programming among Information Technology Education Students in Davao Del Sur.

Kayla Mae N. Rebuta1, Ian Marie P. Cabaron1, Rodelyn Joy C. Pucong1, Jillian Mae C. Bisquera1, Remuel T. Llerado1, Mark Van M. Buladaco2
1Student, BS Information Technology, St. Mary’s College of Bansalan Inc.
2Dean, Institute of Computing, Davao del Norte State College,

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Computer programming can be a valuable tool for students to improve their thinking and problem-solving abilities. This study aims to analyze the relationship between programming skills and the perceived value of learning programming among Information Technology Students in Davao Del Sur. This study utilized two adapted questionnaires during the data collection using google form software; the survey was distributed in different schools around Davao Del Sur with 100 respondents. The researchers of this study showcase quantitative research utilizing a correlational research method to analyze the relationship between the two variables. A statistician interpreted and analyzed the collected data using four statistical tools: weighted mean, variance analysis, relative frequency, and Pearson’s r. The interpreted data were explained and presented well by the researchers properly and more clearly.
Furthermore, it shows the positive correlations between Programming Skills and Perceived Value of Learning Programming. In connection with that, there is a significant relationship between Programming Skills and Perceived Value of Learning Programming among Information Technology Education students. This positive correlation implies that when the Programming Skills increases, it can be assumed that Perceived Value of Learning Programming also increases.

Keywords: quantitative research, correlational research design, programming skills, perceived value of learning programming, Davao Del Sur.


1.1 Background of the Study

The learning method has been influenced by the enlargement and evolution of computer, and multimedia technologies. Nowadays, Information Technology or IT rapidly developing in many countries thanks to globalization and technological modification. Recently, IT widely used to employed in several areas or sectors like economy, politics, social and most of all, education. The emergence of IT improved each student’s academic venture because it brings loads of benefits. Recent years have witnessed up to date business and jobs in demand throughout the United States, requiring Information Technology majors to possess competent programming skills [1]. Due to the importance of programming activities at geographic point for IT majors, IT departments need students to finish programming courses to

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