Review analysis on Agricultural Sector in Pakistan

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue X, October 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Review analysis on Agricultural Sector in Pakistan

Anam Javaid#, Shahbaz Nawaz*

IJRISS Call for paper

#Lecturer, Department of Statistics, The Women University Multan, Pakistan
*Visiting Lecturer, (M. Phil Statistics) Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan

Abstract— Agriculture plays an important role in economy of Pakistan as Pakistan is an agricultural country so it is important to utilize all the agricultural resources in a good way to achieve more benefits from it. The current study focused on the work that has been done in literature regarding agriculture. So the techniques that has been used by previous researchers can be analyzed in agriculturel area for Pakistan. also the future policies recommended by researchers can be seen from it.

Keywords— Economy, Agriculture, Statistics, Pakistan, GDP


This Pakistan is an agricultural country as its natural resources are its arable land and the water .In Punjab the wheat and cotton are grown mostly and Pakistan achieves 21% of GDP from its agricultural resources and employ the labour force as 43%. It is considered as exporter for net food excluding the years effected from drought. Its exports includes fish, cotton, rice, vegetables and fruits and the imports includes pulses, vegetable oil and consumer food and the major crops are considered sugarcane, wheat, rice, cotton and gain greater than 75% for total crop out values. Mangoes are mostly available in Punjab and Sindh provinces and make the Pakistan as 4th largest producer in the world for mangoes. the objective of the current study is to review the work to be done by different researchers regarding the agricultural area for Pakistan. By comparison and discussion of different studies, the current study will provide the comprehensive insight concerning the agricultural field in Pakistan that will provide the healthy contribution in the literature