International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue V, May 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
A Review on BI Tools and Data Warehouse
Vivek Haralkar1, Prof. Prathibha Adkar2
1, 2MCA Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University/Modern college of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Abstract-Business intelligence is the process of analyzing large amount of data to take different types of decisions. there are so many tools are used to analysis data such as, yellowfi BI, Clear Analytics, Sisense, Micro Strategy, Pentaho, Oracle Hyperion System . I briefly mention three tools BIRT , Pentaho , Spago BI.
Keywords: Architecture, Application, Tools.
Business Intelligence (BI) is: “The processes, technologies and tools needed to turn data into information and information into knowledge and knowledge into plans that drive profitable business action. BI encompasses data warehousing, business analytics and knowledge management. It is also defined as, Business Intelligence is defined as “knowledge gained about a business through the use of various hardware/software technologies which enable organizations to turn data into information”.
Many companies directly contact with large numbers of customers, however, a growing number applications (e.g. e-commerce support, call centre support) create a new data management challenge: that is effective way to implement enterprise applications in real time. To learn from the past and predict the future, many companies are adopting Business Intelligence (BI) tools and systems. Every business is dynamic in nature and is affected by various external and internal things. These things include market conditions, competitors. Business intelligence is big term which is used to gather information about business and the market condition . This information is collected to improve efficiency of business, reduce costs, reduce time and bring many positive changes. Organisation believe that up-to-date, accurate and integrated information about their product supply chain, products and customers are critical Successful organizations improving the use of their data assets and human empowerment. Rapid advances in computer technology allow business intelligence (BI) systems to provide managers with access to a tremendous amount of data. To function these systems combine complex front-end software with ETL capabilities that extract enormous amounts of data. At the heart of these systems are huge enterprise data warehouses that can populate a possible infinite combination of advanced reports, OLAP cubes and datasets for data mining.