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Review Journal Problem Based Learning Model On Science Procces Skill Based On Learning Motivation

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

 Review Journal Problem Based Learning Model On Science Procces Skill Based On Learning Motivation

Nurul Azmy Rustan1, Retno Winarni2, Sri Yamtinah3
1,2,3Primary Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Science process skills is one of the skills that are Slightly needed by students in elementary school. Science proccess skills it is a basic competence to develop a scientific attitude and skills in solving problems, so as to form the students’ personal creative, critical and innovative. This study aimed to determine the interaction between PBL learning model on Science Process Skills in terms of motivation to learn, the formulation of the problem in this study is are there influential PBL learning model of the science process skills in terms of students’ motivation in primary schools. The process of collecting data from the literature Review obtained from several research articles in a database that is associated with discussing science process skills. On the results of the analysis of several articles according to research topics are 5 articles and of all the articles there is nothing to discuss the implementation of PBL related to the science process skills in terms of motivation to learn in an elementary school classroom.

Keywords: PBL model, Science Process Skills, Motivation


The nature of science teaching in outline has three main components, namely the scientific process, scientific products, and scientific attitude. It was submitted by Yoshihiro [1] that the activities of the Natural Sciences studied the things that must be considered by students is how students can conduct scientific process, have a scientific attitude, and create scientific products. The third component of the IPA (science) would be obtained if students have gone through the scientific method. The scientific method was developed gradually and continuously, with the hope that it will eventually form a more complete alloy so that students in elementary school can do simple research. The scientific process is a fundamental component that must be mastered elementary school students before he was able to produce scientific products and scientific attitude.