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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

A Review on Preparation and Characterization of Cadmium Zinc Sulphide Thin Film

Anshu Panbude, Mina Mishra, Sandhya Pillai, Smithy Philip

IJRISS Call for paper

 Department of Electronics & Telecommunication (Nanotechnology), C.C.E.T, Bhilai, C.G, India

Abstract:-Nano thin films have found a vast application in today’s world. Thin film studies have directly or indirectly advanced many new areas. Thin films due to its different properties in nano range provide a large scope to be used in miniature size devices. In comparison to monolayer thin films, multilayer thin films are supposed to exhibit far more enhanced properties. The purpose of this paper is to review the fabrication techniques, advantages and applications of multilayer thin film. In addition to this the paper also emphasis on the properties of cadmium sulphide and cadmium zinc sulphide. Multilayer thin film of cadmium sulphide and cadmium zinc sulphide can be used for the better performance of the solar cells and other photoconductive devices. Multilayer thin films are the subject of continued technological advances made in the fields of optoelectronic and photonic devices. The multilayer thin films can be characterized by different techniques. The study of these techniques and materials gives a chance to bring out some more unique properties by using them in a new way.

Keywords: Thin film, Cadmium sulphide, Cadmium Zinc sulphide, Characteristics of Film, Deposition parameters.


In the new era of technology, nanocrystalline thin films have attracted much attention; the reason behind being its wide applications and future requirements. Day by day the demand of energy is increasing and the resources are going down. An evergreen and long lasting source of energy i.e. solar energy can be adopted as the easily available productive means to fulfil the requirements. Thin films here play a significant role for capturing the solar energy and converting it into electrical energy. The absorption property, anti-reflective properties, less light absorption losses, better conductivity, cost efficient are the various criteria which needs to be satisfied for a thin film.

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