International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Rhetoric and the Nigerian Education
Hamza Balarabe Muhammad
Department of Arabic, UsmanuDanfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Abstract:-The paper was divided into two parts. The first part, deal with the general terms of rhetoric and it purpose, follow by Educational system in Nigeria, like primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, then The relationship between rhetoric and Education and end with the impact and importance of rhetoric as a course of study in the Nigerian Educational system.What students need to know about rhetoric is in many ways what they know already about the way they interact with others and with the world. Teaching the connections between the words they work with in the classroom and the world outside it can challenge and engage students in powerful ways as they find out how much they can use what they know of the available means of rhetoric.
Keywords: Rhetoric, Nigeria, Education, Impact and Relationship.
This paper with the title: Rhetoric and the Nigerian Education aim to focus attention on some of the basic problems that face some the Nigerian Students interms of communication, it does not offer solutions, but to identify some way forward through the different opinion of Educationists writes which may guide us, hoping Allah in his infinite mercy provide solutions for these problems.
Rhetoric is described as the art of discourse and is therefore crucial for writers or speakers to communicate effectively and engagingly with their audience. … Rhetoric is the art of persuasion in writing or speaking. Rhetoric is important because, for our writing or speaking to be effective, it must be persuasive. Rhetoric describe as intellectual and good speaking. Rhetoric is describe as a good communication don for a purposes. In another meaning of Rhetoric is described as the art of discourse and is therefore crucial for writers or speakers to communicate effectively and engagingly with their audience.