International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
Risky Framing and Gender Effects on Security Decision Choices among a Nigerian Sample
Larry O. Awo1+, Philip C. Mefoh2, Sampson K. Nwonyi3, Igbere N. Billy4
1General Studies Unit, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Bonny Island, Nigeria.
2Department of Psychology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
3Department of Psychology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
4Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas, Bonny Island, Nigeria
+ Corresponding author
Abstract: – Efforts to proffer lasting solutions to security challenges have in most cases not yielded the expected results. Through a 2×2 factorial design, the current study examined risky framing and gender effects on security decision choices among 120 (60 male, 60 female) University of Nigeria, Nsukka students. Their ages ranged from 16-29 years (M = 20.35 years, SD = 2.85 years). Framing was varied into positive and negative framing conditions and measured with the tackling insecurity in Nigeria, while gender was categorized into male and female students. The security strategy decision inventory was used to measure security decision choices. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) result revealed a significant main effect of framing on security decision choices, F (1, 112) = 97.80, p <.001, and an interaction of framing and gender significantly affected security decision choices, F (1,112) = 7.58, p < .01. The implications and limitations of these findings were discussed and suggestions were made for future studies.
Keywords: Framing, perceived gender differences, security, decision, Nigerian.
To ensure the security of lives and properties of citizens, governments and organizations adopt both short and long term measures and strategies. Strategies such as poverty alleviation, job creation and illiteracy reduction have been identified as risk factors of insecurity (Olaniyan, 2015). Other measures like equipping the security agencies to curb activities capable of threatening the security of lives and properties has also been adopted in Nigeria. Adetoro (2012) points that weapon scanners and detectors have been procured and used as short term security strategies at airports, seaports, land borders, government and private institutions, offices, banks, hotels, parks and checkpoints by both trained and untrained personnel.