International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2017 | ISSN 2321–2705
Robot Assisted Emergency Search and Rescue System with Wireless Sensors
J. Karthiyayini
Senior Assistant Professor, Dept of ISE, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract-The number of natural and human-induced disasters has increased enormously in the past decade. There is a necessity for more effective equipment to enhance emergency search and rescue operations. Search and rescue technology to date still rely on old technologies such as search dogs, camera mounted probes. Hence, intelligent robots equipped with advanced sensors are attracting more and more attentions from researchers and rescuers. The goal of the project is to develop mobile robot tracking prototype system which can explore during floods. The proposed system uses the specific set of sensors such as PIR sensor which is used to detect the motion of the human body, Temperature sensor which is used to measure human body temperature and Heart beat sensor which is used to give digital output of heartbeat when a finger is placed on it. All these sensors give information about the presence of an alive human body. Having detected the sign of living humans the system sounds buzzer and the sensors trigger camera mounted on it. The camera captures the video scene of the environment and gives information about the status and the location of trapped human lives.
Keywords: Tele-operated robotic search, PIR sensor, Heartbeat sensor, Temperature sensor, Heart beat sensor.
Tele-operated robotic search and rescue systems consist of tethered mobile robots that can navigate deep into broken fragments to search for victims and to transfer critical on-site data. Distributed wireless sensor network is suitable for tracking the location of search and rescue robots in large search fields. The goal of the project is to develop and demonstrate the mobile robot tracking prototype system which can explore during floods. The proposed system is used to detect alive human beings and send the information regarding the situation of the spot to rescue team for proceeding further rescue operation. The system is mounted with set of sensors and camera, which triggers when the alive human being is detected.