RSIS International

Secondary School Teachers’ Preparedness in Implementing the Revised Education Curriculum Framework of 2013 in Zambia: A Pedagogical Perspective

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Secondary School Teachers’ Preparedness in Implementing the Revised Education Curriculum Framework of 2013 in Zambia: A Pedagogical Perspective

Magasu Oliver1, Mutale Peggy2, Gondwe Colious3, Mubita Situmbeko4 and Kombe Christine5
1,2,3,4Kwame Nkrumah University, Zambia
5Solwezi College of Education, Zambia
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: -The main purpose of this study was to establish the preparedness of secondary school teachers in implementing the revised Zambia Education Curriculum Framework of 2013 in Kabwe District of Central Province, Zambia, from a pedagogical perspective. The study took a qualitative approach and employed a descriptive research design. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample thirty (30) participants. Data was generated through interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and classroom observations of lessons. Among thekey findings, this study established that while teachers were trained to teach specific subjects, some were not oriented on the demands of the Zambia Education Curriculum Framework of 2013.This study also established that even after commissioning the revised curriculum in 2013, schools still lacked teaching resources with which they could use to implement the revised curriculum. Furthermore, some teachers still used traditional methods of teaching and were finding it challenging to comprehensively understand the demands of the revised curriculum of 2013. Based on the findings, the study recommends wider consultation between policy makers and implementers during formulation and/or revision of curriculum.

Key Words: Curriculum; Implementation; Secondary School; Pedagogical; Teaching


According to Print (1993), the word curriculum is derived from a Latin word ‘currere’ which literally means ‘run’ and it implies a course which one runs to reach a goal. Based on this background, some scholars such as Skilbeck (1984) have defined a curriculum as a course of study matter, although according to Nambela (2016), other scholars like Fullan (1982); Mulenga (2015) have modified this definition of curriculum due to its limiting nature. For instance, Fullan (1982) defines a curriculum as all learning which is planned for schools. This implies a programme of studies organized for learners. In Zambia, the development of a curriculum is spearheaded by the Curriculum Development Centre. However, the focus of this study is to establish the preparedness of secondary school teachers in the implementation of the Revised Curriculum of 2013 from a pedagogical perspective.