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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Self Guided Auto Platform for Handicapped

Ansari Mohammedsahir1, Kamal Singh Mor2, Akshita Pandey3

IJRISS Call for paper

  1, 2, 3 Student B.E, Department of Electrical Engineering, Vadodara Institute of Engineering, Kotambi, Vadodara (Gujarat), India

Abstract: In today’s world things should be work with less time consumption and accuracy, so here we came up with an idea which is going to help handicaps which works as a helping hand. For them in this world which is full of technologies. The main focus is on railway station platform. They face many problems while accessing staircases and high altitude area with their wheel chairs and etc. So, to help them we came up with an idea named as “self guided auto platform for handicapped”. The system works on basic data communication and the base motion. It will have robust mechanical structure like a trolley which can be further intended for other uses. In the mechanical part of this structure contains material are water resistant, it can withstand in any type of whether, atmospheric conditions and it can easily carry heavy loads/weights. In this system we are using Arduino UNO board as main controller, color sensor for sensing the exact location of bogie door, for communication purpose we are using Zigbee to communicate with control system by which we can know that it is going to stop and start. The overall system of self guided auto platform will is a line follower which will start with signal from Zigbee. After this it activates the trolley and then trolley is such that it levels the train’s door height by which users can easily enters into the trains. This trolley is designed in such a way that users can use it easily in slope areas also. The inclined angle is tentaviley decided around 15-30 degree. So, when users get entered into train then when train departs the Zigbee module gives signal to trolley and with the help of time then when train departs the Zigbee module gives signal to trolley and with the help of time break trolley comes back to its initial position and after some time it again goes back to its starting position.

Keywords: Railway, Platforms, Handicapped, Disabled, Lift, Automation, Trolley, Mobile Device, Wheelchair, Automatic Moving Platform

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