International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Senior High School Students’ Challenges in Solving Word Problems Involving Linear Equation in One Variable in Tamale Metropolis
Fuseini Issahaku Ibrahim1 and Osei Yaw (Ph.D)2
1Mathematics and ICT Department, E.P. College of Education, Bimbilla, Ghana
2Mathematics and ICT Department, Tamale College of Education, Tamale, Ghana
Abstract: – This paper examined the challenges students in Senior High School face in solving word problems in linear Equations involving one variable. The Action Research designed was used for the study. This is because the study was about helping students to develop interest so as to overcome their difficulties. Population of the study consisted of students of Tamale Business Senior High School. The purposive sampling technique was used in the study. In all, 2H class made up of seventy (70) students consisting of 44 Boys and 26 Girls were purposively selected for the study. Students in 2H class have more difficulties in mathematics than the other classes hence the choice of the class. Test and interview were the main instruments used for the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that students had difficulties in solving non-routine word problems but could easily solved routine word problems. the researchers conclude that students had difficulties in solving non-routine word problems. Mathematics Teachers should involve students in series of non-routine word problems so as to enhance their approach in solving non-routine word problems relating to linear equations in one variable.
Keywords: Routine, Non-routine, word problems, linear Equation in one variable and difficulties
Background to the study
Mathematics is described by the great scientist Galileo as the nucleus of the sciences, the mother of the sciences, the engineer and the heart and soul of all the sciences (Nokoe, 2007). Galileo, while commenting on the universe, concluded that the universe could not be read unless the mathematical language and the characters in which it was written were clearly understood (Nokoe, 2007). Similarly, Asiedu-Addo and Yidana (2000), described mathematics as a “means of sharpening the individual’s mind, shaping the reasoning ability and developing the personality of the individual; hence its immense contribution to the general and basic education of the people of the world” (p.65). This implies that if children learn mathematics with understanding, they can become truly proficient in dealing with everyday problems and will be able to relate the mathematical ideas communicated to them.