International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Sensitizer + Activator + Disperser. Time-based arts Under Scrutiny
Sergio Patricio Valenzuela Valdés and John David
University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Abstract: The primary goal of this paper is to add information to the classification of Time -based arts in mixed media art, performance, experimental film and music, video art and video-installation. What makes this category possible is not only how artists manage time as a concept, but also due to the fact that time becomes a problem as well. Somehow, the analysis and observation of some particular examples of time-based arts today requires more sophisticated lenses to scrutinize every factor involved in the art practice within an experience that involves beholders. Art practices today are exhibited in many stages and layers from the process itself; some of them in early conceptualization while others just before exhibit or actual broadcast. This paper proposes to add Sensitizer, Activator and Disperser to the basket of analysis factors where there already exist factors like: “effect, efficiency, context, sense-making and strange attractors”. This paper adds these classifications of attractors; Attractor as a force of distension, discontinuation, distraction into one time-based experience that has to be considered. Therefore, this is the first approach to the “Sensitizer-attractor” related source of sensitivity and understanding. “Activator-attractor” is the action that drives the performance. “Disperser- attractor” is what disrupts the time-chain and makes it into fragments of multiple experiences. The authors use one example to attempt to exemplify the model; all the concepts will be applied into the one performance exhibited in Physical Poetics 4 in ERG- Brussels, Belgium 2020.
Keywords: Sensitizer, activator, disperser, time-based arts, time-space experience.
Approach to the Effect/ Affect model
The model of analysis proposed here to be applied into “Time-Space” experience is one option of a lens of observation about performance, action or video art, among others. The main goal of this lens of observation is to make a distinction between the variables that take place in time-based art practices. Those variables observed are taken from other models of observation that come from physics, mathematics, rhetoric, among others. The model was built on equations called “fake” and is based on the quantum physics equations to connect possible observations from a performative act detected in time-based arts. Common comments about an art practice are qualified under some specific thoughts: how much does it cost to make, how was the impact on the beholders, how many people mobilized the act, what is its place in history, how many changes can that art produce in society and art movements, for example.