International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705
Smart Component Vending System
Raghavendra Havaldar1, Sruthin Balachandran V.V2
1,2Assistant Professor in Electronics & Communication, A J Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
Abstract—In educational institutions, it is quite difficult to issue the components to the students in laboratories during the rush time period. In order to overcome this scenario, the Smart Component Vending System is developed. Adjustable gripper that can perform faster, easier pick and place operation for the objects have been developed for the purpose of vending components, similar operation is performed in this Smart Component Vending System by replacing adjustable gripper with an electromagnetic lift to pick and place the component boxes. The purpose is to supply the components to the user as per the demand. Smart Component Vending System is implemented using Arduino MEGA 2560. The overall system is programmed using Arduino. IR sensor is used to detect the presence of the component box on the user desk. Geared DC motor is used to move Z-axis and 2 stepper motors are used to move X and Y axis in a required direction. In order to access each component box from the component grid, the addresses are defined by setting the coordinates of XYZ axis. As per the user input, XYZ linear motion is achieved and pick and place operation is performed.
Keywords—Smart Component; XYZ Linear Motion; Pick and Place; Parallel modes of operation.
Today the development of technologies made it possible to introduce automation in all the fields. The automation process enhances the labour efficiency and allows the cutting net cost. Advancement in all the fields yields to reduction of work. Nowadays robots are increasingly being integrated into working tasks to replace humans specially to perform the repetitive task. In general, robotics can be divided into two areas, industrial and service robotics. International Federation of Robotics (IFR) defines a service robot as a robot which operates semi- or fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well-being of humans and equipment, excluding manufacturing operations. These mobile robots are currently used in many fields of applications including office, military tasks, hospital operations, dangerous environment and agriculture. Besides, there might be difficulties to the worker which must pick and place something that can affect itself.
For example, things like chemistry that cannot be picked by human and for the military such as defuse bomb that is needed for the robot to pick and place the bomb to somewhere and for user that needed robot to do pick and place item while sitting and much more. Therefore, a locomotion robot can be replaced human to do work.