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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XI, November 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

SME Mentoring as a Vital Role for Empowerment: A Case Study in DKI Jakarta

 Sabar Napitupulu1, S Saiful2
1Senior Lecturer of STIE SWADAYA, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2Lecturer and Researcher of University in Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The current paper provides an overview of the situation of SMEs in DKI Jakarta. The hope is to improve the economy of SMEs in DKI Jakarta. The method that the author applies is qualitative, searching academic literature and other related materials, focus group discussions to obtain feedback on the design of research reports, and a subjective approach to reviewing existing data and materials. The findings show that almost all SMEs in Indonesia should receive capital assistance from the government. For future research, the authors recommend continuing research by examining in depth the government program for SMEs in DKI Jakarta.

Keywords; Mentoring, SMEs, DKI Jakarta, economy


Background Behind Problem:

During the pandemic, the production and marketing of small and medium units in Indonesia experienced very significant reduction. SMEs in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, are experiencing drastic turnover. Its usual production and marketing reach turnover millions of Rupiah per day, now down Becomes hundred thousand Rupiah. Factor the cause is because ingredient greatly reduced standard and things this influence part production until marketing. Weak business market penetration is small in general because a business unit family has a network with very limited effort and low market penetration because the amount of innovation the resulting product is very limited and of poor quality competitive. Aspect capital and aspect marketing Becomes factor decisive priority continuity SME prospects.
Theoretical SME Assistance and Proposition Study


According to the Oxford dictionary, mentoring is a practice of helping and advising to less experienced people over a period, especially as part of an official program in a company, university, etc.
Definition accompaniment according to Directorate Social Assistance is a process of giving facilities provided _ companion to client in identifying needs and solving problems as well as pushing growing initiative in the decision. Independence could be realized. Accompaniment is a very decisive strategy for the success of an empowerment program society, according to principles that help people. In context this time, it is assigned as a companion no breaker problem.

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