International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue VIII, August 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
Social Change and the Effect of Non Violence Conflict Management in Rural Communities
Jibrin Ubale Yahaya
Department of Political Science, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria
Abstract: – Social change as a process could make peoples changes in the function of a social system which includes changes in the nature of social institutions, social behavior and social relations. Social change can be drive from cultural, religious, economic, political, scientific and technological forces. This paper would give us a picture on how non violent mechanism can brings about sustainable peace in the society. The violent and non-violent conflicts are also presented as opposite and contradictory. The paper intended to review various relevant researchers on the subject matter, the paper adopted urban industrial impact theory and Deprivation theory to explain how lives of peoples in rural areas needed changes that could lead to social adjustment. However peoples in rural areas are denied the rights of basic social amenities that make energetic youth migrate from rural to urban areas to seek for a better life. The paper also assesses how the peaceful and non-violent method of conflict resolution can contribute to address the problems of destructive violence in the society, through provision of basic social amenities at rural areas and engaging rural communities in governance process.
Keywords: Violent Change, Non violence Mechanism, Societal transformation, Conflict Resolution, Peace Building.
Social change is evitable that cannot be avoided by any society but difficult to overcome as a result of periodic process that change requires to fulfill. The essence of social change was a process of social activities changing from traditional way of life to a new method of social life, economic activities and political activities. Many scholars has different perspectives on the practice of Social change, let us look at some definitions given by scholars like Moore (1967) cited in Richard (2006), social change as a significant alteration over time on behavior patterns and culture including norms and values. Certainly, the dramatic rise in formal education represents a change that has profound social consequences. Other social changes that have had long-term and important consequences include the emergence of slavery as a system of stratification, the industrial revolution, the increased participation of women in paid labor and the world wide population explosion. From this definition we can understand that social change cover various areas of human endeavor but formal education is the most effective tool that move the society from darkness of non progressive circle to a society that has focus and determination for sustainable development.