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Social Laws of Intolerance “On the Metaphysics of Terrorism and Genocide”

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue III, March 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Social Laws of Intolerance “On the Metaphysics of Terrorism and Genocide”

Munthir Chel’loob
Kufa University, Iraq

IJRISS Call for paper

Summary: Bigotry alone does not lead to disasters and cause genocides to occur; other different types of ideas may entail this possibility. Ironically, even tolerance may be leading to similar results. The reason is that tolerance may become a pretext for excluding those who do not believe in it; that is, people who may think that they are tolerant may work towards the exclusion of those who are different from them in the name of defending tolerance.
I attempt to expose the concepts of tolerance and extremism and reach the functioning actors, on the social level, who shape the genocide laws governing the events of cultural, ethnic and religious exclusion, the paradox of tolerance and the fallacy of using reason to reach consensus between humans. I also attempt to resolve the contradictions of anti-tolerance attitudes by using the concept of common sense.


There are ideas that are shocking in their strangeness or in their clarity, which can result in damage. Such damage is treatable not by calling for naive moderation but by claiming that it be associated with cognitive tolerance, i.e., be associated with the idea in the mind holding it that it may be wrong.
Here, I must highlight the following important issue: Extremism, moderation and every idea can become a hazard if they are accompanied by the attempt to impose them on others or punish others for not adopting them. Every idea calls for violence as a means of imposing itself on those who do not adopt it or for the initiation of violence against the other merely because an intellectual disagreement is a harmful idea, and laws must be legislated to criminalize it . The difference between extremism and terrorism is that terrorism contains the use of violence or the threat of it to push a particular act or prevent an act that is in conflict with the law. Religious, ethnic or ideological extremism can culminate in terrorism. Extremism is thought that requires action to become a terrorism, and terrorism is an act based on an extreme thought.

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