International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
Social Media Use and The Promotion of Nollywood Movies’ Trailers Among Nigerian Youths
Odunlami, Olusegun Abimbola
Department of Mass Communication, Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria
Abstract: This study appraises the use of social media in promoting Nollywood movies. Movies have been adjudged to be most fascinating concept that enlighten, educate and entertain the masses. Movies advertisement had been a herculean task that if it does not lead to purchase, investment on such movies could be lost. The study adopts two theories of communication – Technological Determinism and Uses and Gratification theories. Survey research method was adopted to examine the phenomenon under study. Multi-variety questionnaire was constructed to answer the research questions and satisfy the set objectives. The population for this study was Nigerian youths with particular reference to youths in Ijebu North Local Government area of Ogun State with population of 284,336. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted while Taro Yamane formula was used to determine the sample size of 339. Data were sourced from both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are data gathered through structured questionnaire copies administered on the respondents while the secondary sources are from books, journals, websites, blogs, etc. Findings revealed that social media has become a promotional tool that is effective and that has resulted in increased sales of products and that respondents use search engines for movies trailers rather than the conventional method of going to cinema before one can know the oncoming movies. The study however recommends that Nollywood film producers should fully utilize social media advertising as it will definitely aid and facilitate easy promotion of their movies without additional cost and that movies trailers should be detailed and attractive to draw viewers to their official sites.
Keywords: Social Media, Trailers, Movies, Digital Advertising, Social Media Advertising.
Nigerian film industry has currently witness significant transformation that emerges from the advent of new technology that within a second could be used to facilitate transfer of large files that contain both visual and textual content. This transformation is inevitable as film production, marketing and distribution have also witnessed a great turn around through technology enabled by internet and other inventions of film production equipment. Nigerian films popularly referred to as Nollywood that uses formats such as video cassette, video compact disc (VCD), and more recently the digital video disc (DVD), in producing their movies. These Nigerian films are also shown on some channels such as “Africa Magic”, “Nollywood”, “Magic Africa”, etc., on DSTV, “Cine Africa”, “MYTV”, as well as other cable networks which people subscribe to and which are viewed by the audience through the television, which is classified under the types of media, among others.