Socio-Economic Changes of Women Garment Workers in Bangladesh

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Socio-Economic Changes of Women Garment Workers in Bangladesh

Dr. Nahar Kamrun 1*, Dr. Shelim Sheik2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Assistant Professor, Dept.of Social Work, Sheikh Borhanuddin College, 62 Nazimuddin Road , Dhaka-1000,Bangladesh
2Ministry of local Government. Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
* Corresponding author.

Abstract:- Garments industry is the prime economic sector in Bangladesh. Most of the GDP (Gross Development Product) carried on Garments Industry. In this industry most of the worker is women. So, women garment worker are main human resources in Bangladesh. But one problem is that, they have no standard social status in our society on the other hand they have owned social status after joining the garments industry. Basically, before joining the garments industry women have lower social status or have no status in her family, relatives, and societies. Women are deprived from control over resources, have no decision making power, no invitation in social functions, poor health service etc. But this scenario changes after joining the garments industry. In that perspective researcher applied quantitative social research methods to find out how to change social status of women garments worker. In the quantitative method researcher followed sample survey into the garments industry where women are working. Researcher found some recommendations from the women garments worker. At first they have an occupational identity which is helpful to consume social status in her family as well as in her relatives. So it is a great change for women with help of garments industry. This process is not easy because various problems hamper this changes system. Sometimes women garments worker harassed/discriminated by her family members, relatives as well as her colleagues, staffs, owner of the garments etc. In this situation a women is helpless in her life and they need to support from her family members, friends, colleagues, staffs and owner. In this context, researcher found that women have to solve this problem without other help; it is a great social status change of women garments worker in Bangladesh. Women garments worker think that if they have regular work in garments factory as well as they get social, economic, and legal support from stakeholder (Garments Industry, Government, Media etc.) their social status changes well radically.

Keywords: Social Status, Change, Women Garments Worker, Bangladesh.