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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705


Prof. Manoj Mishra, Shrutika Sawant, Shriwari Shedge, Ketaki Waikul, Sweety Vade

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Atharva College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India

Abstract :In this project we have studied the importance of solar energy and converted the solar energy to electrical energy in order to drive our project, We also studied the working of wireless transmission and reception with the help of HC-12 wireless module, and studied the working of 8051 microcontroller with solar panel,battery,7805 voltage regulator, push buttons,hc-12 module, mosfetswitch, motors and L293D motor driver. Thus this make our project eco friendly, less time consuming and less human efforts.

Keywords : 8051 microcontroller, Solar panel, Voltage Regulation, HC-12 wireless module, DC motors.


The world is using up all the resources to meet the daily needs of energy hence we need to use an alternative to this. Our project is based on solar energy and is a remote operated device used for grass cutting and floor cleaning. 8051 microcontroller is the backbone of our project and it controls the movement of motors and give commands for grass cutting and floor cleaning with proper coding. Hence, it reduces human efforts as well as air pollution and noise pollution as compared to traditional lawn movers.


The topic of his project was solar opearated floor cleaning machine that uses solar energy for floor cleaning action by using photovoltaic panel that converts photons incident on the panel to electrical energy.So this action was used in cleaning floors.
Street cleaning machine using Tricycle, He designed a model for rural areas which works on energy generated by tricycle for the purpose of floor cleaning.
Auto manual floor cleaning robot, Author made a robot that can be controlled automatic as well as manually ,For the designing of robot author used following components irsensors,four motors and water pump. With the help of IR sensors obstacle detection was achieved.

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