RSIS International

Stability Analysis of Dual Motor Ball and Beam System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IX, September 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Stability Analysis of Dual Motor Ball and Beam System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

Dr. Lakshmanan M1, Dr. Kamatchi Kannan V2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Associate Professor, Department of EEE, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Metagalli, Mysuru -570 016, Karnataka, India
2Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam-638 402, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: The control of Dual Motor Ball and Beam (DMBB) system is proposed which is a best example for a non-linear system. In the DMBB system, the output (the ball position) increases without limit for a fixed input (beam angle). The DC servo motor connected to the each end of the beam through a gear mechanism is used to control the position of the ball on the beam. The open loop response of ball and beam system is unstable. The controller’s job is to regulate the position of the ball on the beam by changing the angle of the beam. A controller is designed for this system so that the ball’s position can be manipulated. In this work, we have adopted a linear model and each motor’s angular position is controlled by PD controller which is designed using root locus technique, while the ball position is controlled by an outer loop which is designed using Fuzzy logic controller. The control goal is to bring the ball to desired position on the beam and keep it there. In general, a cooperative control system comprises multiple dynamic entities that share information or tasks to accomplish a common objective.

Key words: Ball and Beam System, PID Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Root Locus Technique, Cooperative Logic.


The ball and beam system is one of the most enduringly popular and important model for understanding control systems engineering. The most important parts of a ball and beam control system are a small ball, a beam, a motor, lever arm and a controller. The single motor ball and beam (SMBB) system is simply called “BALL AND BEAM SYSTEM” ([1], [5]-[7],[10]). There are two variants of the single motor ball and beam system, one end of the beam is hinged to a fixed base, while the other end is driven by a motor and the beam pivots on the motor shaft that is located at the beam’s centre of gravity.