Stakeholders’ Engagement Approaches and Sustainability of Water Supply Projects in Nyando Sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VIII, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2321–2705

Stakeholders’ Engagement Approaches and Sustainability of Water Supply Projects in Nyando Sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya

Amolo Elvis Juma Amolo, PhD1, Charles Mallans Rambo, PhD2*
1Lecturer PhD, University of Nairobi, Kenya
2Associate Professor PhD, University of Nairobi, School of Open and Distance Learning, Kenya
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In spite of Kenya’s government increasing financial allocation for rural water supply projects, there is little impact as most of the projects have failed to self-sustain after handing over to the beneficiary stakeholders, a fact that has been attributed to inadequate stakeholder engagement in the planning, initiation and implementation of the projects. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of stakeholders’ engagement approaches on sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to establish the extent to which Stakeholders’ Collaboration influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County; to determine how Stakeholders’ Participation influences sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County; to examine how Stakeholders’ Empowerment influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando -sub County and; to establish how Stakeholders’ Evaluation influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County. The study used descriptive survey design while structured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample size of 379 respondents out of a target population of 30,567 beneficiaries of water supply projects. Validity test was done and a value of 0.78 obtained while reliability coefficient was 0.79. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of Correlation and Regression were done at a significance level of 0.05. The hypotheses test results were: 1. H0: Stakeholders’ Collaboration does not significantly influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya was rejected since P=0.000<0.05; 2. H0: Stakeholders’ Participation does not significantly influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya was rejected since P=0.004<0.05; 3. H0: Stakeholders’ Empowerment does not significantly influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya was rejected since P=0.000<0.05 and; 4. H0: Stakeholders’ Evaluation does not significantly influence sustainability of rural water supply projects in Nyando-sub County, Kisumu County, Kenya was rejected since P=0.000<0.05.Therefore the study concluded that there is significant influence of all Stakeholders’ Engagement Approaches on sustainability of rural water supply projects. It is recommended that Project managers should actively engage stakeholders to enhance ownership, entrench technical skills and Knowledge of the project operation, local resource mobilization, and assessment of achievement of project objectives for sustainability of rural water supply projects. Equally, policy makers should suggest appropriate policies for strengthening Stakeholders’ Engagement Approaches of Collaboration, Participation, Empowerment and Evaluation to boost effective implementation and sustainability of water projects. Further research should be carried out on other case studies other than Rural Water Supply Projects for authentication and generalization of research findings.

Keywords: Stakeholders’ Engagement Approaches, Collaboration, Participation, Empowerment, Evaluation, Implementation of dairy projects