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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Strategic management skills to enhance recovery, Growth and resilience of female owned enterprises after the COVI-19 pandemic. A gendered response perspective

Josphat Nyoni1*, Manoneka Sithole2, Pfumaindisu Rebecca Anesu Mutyambizi3, Hlupeko Dube4
1Women’s University in Afriaca, Zimbabwe
2Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University, Zimbabwe
3Africa University, Zimbabwe
4Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The main purpose of this concept paper was to examine strategic management capabilities that are relevant to help female owned enterprises recover, be resilient and growth following the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business sectors. The purpose of the study wsa to determine the most effective strategic management capabilities that can revive the female led enterprises in the hospitability sector. The study was anchored on the positivist research philosophy, explanatory research design and adopted a survey as a data collection method. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was collected from 300 females’ business leaders in the hospitality sector and 30 stakeholders in the sector. Corelation and regression analysis of the relationship between the strategic management capabilities and survival of the female led enterprises in the hospitality sector were used. The study shows that strategic implementation capabilities was the most effective in contributing to the survival of the female led enterprises in the hospitality sector in the current business environment. Strategic planning capabilities were the second most effective in promoting revival and growth of the female led enterprises in the hospitality sector. Strategic evaluation capabilities also emerged as one the most relevant in the current business environment in the hospitality sector. The study concluded that the three strategic management capabilities are thus critical to help female leaders in the hospitality sector to revive the performance of their enterprises and set the foundation for growth following the devastating effects of theCOVID-19 pandemic. The paper recommended that female business leaders and other stakeholders invest in the development pf the three sets of the strategic management capabilities.

Key words: Strategic planning, strategic implementation, strategic evaluation, business growth, business resiliency


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of the world economy and society and as such organisations continually need to develop new products and services to cope with the complexity and rapid changes in business environments (Xinwei et al., 2018). The current COVID-19 is

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