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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Strategies of Employee Empowerment in the Banking Sector: The Case of Eldoret, Kenya

Kipruto Walter1, Shadrack Kipkoech Sitinei2*
1Holds BA in Education Arts, MSC in Human Resource Management, and Currently PhD candidate in Human Resource at Moi University, Kenya
2Holds BA in Political Science and Public Administration, MA in International Relation, PhD (adb) Political Science and Public Administration-Moi University. Currently Lectures at Egerton University department of Philosophy, History and Religion, Kenya
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Employee empowerment should instill greater trust in leadership, encourage employee motivation, lead to greater creativity, and improve employee retention all of which ultimately results in a better bottom line. This study seeks to find out the strategies of employee empowerment in sector in Kenya. The study was guided by two objectives; to find out strategies or techniques used by banks in employee empowerment, and examine the impact of employee empowerment in service delivery to the bank customers. The researcher adopted a descriptive study where by the data was analyzed and presented with the help of statistical package for social sciences version 16, thereafter the findings were corroborated with existing literature to arrive at logical conclusion. The researcher found that; the strategies employed include-easy accessibility to senior management level, regular meetings, reward for excellent services, regulated routine, and freedom to make independent decision. On the impact of employee empowerment on service delivery, it was found that there is general impact on customer’s satisfaction. The study concludes that employee empowerment is a crucial aspect in dealing with human resource in every organization in order to survive in a competitive environment.

Key words: employee, empowerment, banking, strategies


Employee empowerment is a key factor in any organization for it to continue a float in the business world. Philip (2010) states that empowerment is a proven methodology for retaining contented staff and increases their performance. It is also the most effective way for a team to deal with uncertainty and achieve results, whilst enable senior managers more time to think ahead and anticipate future opportunities and threats to the enterprise. In banking institutions, the general offering in a particular industry is averagely similar, even though they may engage in different approaches to achieving a distinction from the others, to be able to gain more market share and customers in the industry.
Elin (2006) define empowerment as a process whereby: a culture of empowerment is developed, information is shared, competency is developed, and resources and support are provided. Employee empowerment is one of those terms that everyone thinks they understand, but few really do. In order for the management to acknowledge that the employees are successful in dealing with their customers, the management has to give the employees the authority and necessary support

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