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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

Street Lighting Design Solutions in the Efficient Lighting Program

Le Tien Phong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy

IJRISS Call for paper

Electrical Faculty, Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Thai Nguyen, Viet Nam

Corresponding author: Le Tien Phong

Abstract— This paper proposes some street lighting design solutions to reduce power consumption of lighting systems and adapt to the efficient lighting program. Proposed solutions will concern with luminaries, renewable energy and the operation of whole lighting system. Replacing traditional luminaries by light emitting diode luminaries and using dimmers in low density of vehicle is the first solution to reach the diminished purpose of power consumption. The second solution focuses on harnessing photovoltaic and wind power generations in isolated or grid-connected models to charge power to energy storage in daylight time. The third solution proposes a structure that combines expert system, artificial intelligence and communication technologies to have optimal operation for all lighting columns. A case study of isolated lighting column using photovoltaic power generation is concerned with more deeply and simulated in this paper. Simulation results carried out by MATLAB 2018a software showed the capability of harnessing maximum power point of photovoltaic power generation, power supply of battery and effect of dimmer in street lighting system.

Index Terms— dimmer, dimming lamp, internet of things, LED, street lighting design, effective lighting program, renewable energy.


Lighting system provides light for all human activities whenever having no natural light. Street lighting system is one of special architecture in capital to adapt high requirements about amount of light and power consumption. They can be solved by changing both hardware and software.
Lamp technology has undergone many developing stages from incandescent lamp, discharge lamps (fluorescent lamp, compact lamp, high-intensity discharge lamp) to light emitting diode (LED). They are improved lighting quality and duration very much. For example, incandescent lamps have been developed from the single twist incandescent to the double twist incandescent and there are many different fluorescent powder changed in discharge lamps to reduce power consumption and create many different colors. The special lamp, LED, has been developed recently and is considered as a potential solution to replace previous lamps. It is also combined a reflector to become the best luminary for street lighting system [1], [2].

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