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Student Awareness about the Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Malaysia

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Student Awareness about the Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Malaysia

Amir Adib1, R. Normala2, Z.M. Lukman3, C. Azlini4, M.Y. Kamal5

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, University Sultan Zainal Abidin Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

Abstract-Electronic cigarettes are used as an option to nicotine supplier as tobacco cigarettes. It is also used as a cessation base for someone who has the intention to quit smoking. Majority of electronic cigarette users have argued that electronic cigarettes are a lesser amount of dangerous and safer than tobacco cigarettes. Public awareness of the presence of electronic cigarette makes it an increasingly popular trend in Malaysia. The aim of this study is to identify the awareness of using electronic cigarette among students in Malaysia. This study uses descriptive research method that uses statistic percentage and frequency to accomplish the research objectives. The study was carried out on September to October 2018. This research study uses a quantitative method in the form of an online survey. The respondents of this study were students aged 19 to 26 years old. The number of respondents in this study was 440 persons consisting of 156 males and 284 females. The finding of this study also found that there were only a small number of respondents using electronic cigarettes in their daily lives. Awareness about the use of electronic cigarettes is also at a high stage among students. Almost all the respondents have high levels of knowledge and awareness on the use of electronic cigarette.

Keywords -Electronic Cigarette, Online Survey, Awareness, University Students, Malaysia.


Electronic cigarettes are known as nicotine transmission systems using electronic devices in place of tobacco cigarettes. The method of use is by inhaling nicotine vapours with different tastes without tobacco [1]. Its function is the same as the traditional cigarette similar to cigar or pen but no burning or smoke produced but only the steam out. This device uses a battery power that distributes a nicotine solution swirled in a glycerine solution [2]. Electronic cigarettes consist of rechargeable battery components, oral channels (to inhale), airflow sensors, vaporizers or atomiser, and nicotine [3]. Electronic cigarette device designs vary according to the factory that manufactures of the product. In addition, there are various designs and sizes, taste and handling techniques. However, internal and external components work the same way to deliver nicotine to the lungs like tobacco cigarettes [4].

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