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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Students’ Choice of Business Studies as Programme of study: The Case of Senior High Schools in the Wa Municipality

Paul Tongkomah Saayir, Leticia Bosu
SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa, Ghana: West Africa
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Making a career choice is a major decision phase in every students’ life. Students have to consider several factors before making a decision as to which programme to pursue at high school. The purpose for the study was to find out the factors (extrinsic and intrinsic) that influence students’ choice of business studies as programme of study in the senior high schools. The study employed descriptive survey design. Using census, 95 students were employed to respond to the survey questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential (independent t-test) statistics. The study found self-interest (M=2.85; SD=0.79) in the subject and ability to progress (M=3.06; SD=0.83) in educational career to tertiary institutions as the most influential intrinsic factors students consider in making a decision of programme choice. Thepossibility of getting high pay job after graduation was the most influential extrinsic factor students consider in a making choice of business studies programme. Gender was however, found not to have significant influence on the choice of a programme of study in the senior high school. Based on the findings, it was therefore recommended that the Ministry of Education through National Council for Curriculum and Assessment should place premium on student’s interest (self-motivation in the subject) in designing the business studies curricula at the high school level; Equally, the nursing and teacher training colleges in Ghana should allow all high school business studies graduates equal access to admission.

Keywords: Business Studies, High School Students, Career Orientation, Programme of Study and Gender

An investigation into the factors that influence career choice in business studies among senior high school students’is as important and vital as the decision to influence the business profession itself. The profession of business education has been described as one area where the individual develops personal interest largely due to its nature, prospects and family influence (Zakaria, Fauzi & Hassan, 2012).Business Education has been defined in several ways, most of which highlight its vocational nature. Osuala (2004) explained business education as a programme of instruction which consists of two parts: (1) Office education – a vocational programme of office careers through initial, refresher and upgrading education and (2) General business education – a programme to provide students with information and competences which are needed by all in managing personal business affairs and in using the services of the business.

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