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“A Study of the Perception of UGC Regulation, 2010 on Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers with Special Reference to B.Ed Faculty”

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume III, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2454-6194

“A Study of the Perception of UGC Regulation, 2010 on Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers with Special Reference to B.Ed Faculty”

Sheetal Kadam1, Dr. Snehal Donde2

IJRISS Call for paper

  1Asst. Professor, Pillai HOC College of Education & Research, Rasayani, India
2Principal, Hallary Visa Oswal College of Commerce, Bhiwandi, India

Abstract: The present paper attempt at understanding the perception of B.Ed teachers towards the UGC Regulation, 2010. Higher education plays an essential role in society by creating new knowledge, transmitting it to students and fostering innovation. Quality teaching in higher education matters for student learning outcomes. But fostering quality teaching needs higher education institutions to ensure that the education they offer meets the expectations of students and the requirements of employers, both today and for the future. Teacher being a dynamic activity requires a favourable attitude and certain specific competencies from its practitioners. Teachers’ proficiency depends on the attitude she possesses for the profession. This can be developed by having awareness about the UGC Regulations.

The perception of B.Ed College teachers was studied in terms of percentage analysis of gender‐wise, experience‐wise and discipline‐wise perceptions with special reference to the UGC ‘regulations (2010) with respect to Recruitment conditions and Qualifications, Career Advancement Scheme, Workload of teachers appointment as a measure of maintenance of standard of higher education.

The data was analysed subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis. ‘t’-test and ‘ANNOVA’ was applied to find out any significant difference existed between perception of Genderwise, Experience-wise and Discipline-wise, perception of teachers towards UGC’s regulations considered for the study.

The findings revealed overall view point that UGC’s regulations, 2010 are systematically formulated to achieve the best. One of the plausible reasons may be due to the understanding that resistance to reforms is inescapable. However, all related regulations show high level of perception. Thus, the findings of the study make an important contribution to our understanding of the UGC regulations 2010, its recommendations and the steps taken by the Government of India to implement it.