International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Ghana: The Role of Social Studies Education
Isaac Atta Kwenin
Lecturer , Department of Business & Social Sciences Education, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa
Abstract: – The study investigated the role of social studies education in sustainable natural resource management (SNRM) in Ghana. Quantitative data collection and analyses were used. All the 346 Social Studies teachers in the Kumasi Metropolis during the 2017/2018 academic year were included (census) in the study. However, 341 teachers provided usable data for the study. A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics with means and standard deviation was used to analyse and present the data. In effect, Social Studies teachers do not possess the requisite competence that would enable them teach concepts of SNRM in Social Studies. Even though most of the topics in the SHS social studies curriculum introduces students to sustainable use of natural resources, the content or body of knowledge and the activities involved are not explicitly linked to the understanding of sustainable natural resource management. It was concluded that in order to ensure the attainment of sustainable natural resource management in Ghana, the integrated approach to teaching social studies should be adopted by teachers when teaching social studies. This will ensure effective combination of knowledge, values, skills and experiences from other subject areas to enhance the realization of sustainable natural resource management objectives of social studies. Also, courses in the Social Studies in the teacher training institutions in Ghana and elsewhere should acquaint teachers with knowledge and experiences in SNRM and provide them with experiences in teaching SNRM. This will equip all Social Studies teachers to be better positioned to promote the management of natural resources in a sustainable manner.
Education is the engine that transforms the social, economic, political and cultural structures of a nation. It is the best tool that brings positive changes to societies and helps to develop responsible, patriotic and concern citizens who have their nations at heart. It trains and the individual to think and take the right decisions, especially, concerning the environment. These aims of education are however based upon the quality of education that is provided to the individual in the development of every country. One key area of the economy where education plays critical role in Ghana is the management of natural resources.