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Sutomo Strategic Leadership at the Battle of Surabaya November 10, 1945

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

Sutomo Strategic Leadership at the Battle of Surabaya November 10, 1945

IJRISS Call for paper

 Albert Agung Wijaya, Priyanto, Wayan Nurida
Prodi Strategi Perang Semesta, Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan

Abstract: In the battle of Surabaya 1945 there was a figure who was able to burn the spirit of the people of Surabaya to dare to die against the invaders, the figure is Sutomo or better known as Sutomo, therefore the author is interested in reviewing and analyzing the Background of the Battle of November 10, 1945 in Surabaya and Reviewing the Role of Sutomo Strategic Leadership in the Battle. This paneling method uses qualitative descriptive methods. According to Sugiyon, descriptive methods are studies that describe, describe, or describe the state of the object studied as what it is, according to the situation and conditions when the research is done. The study also uses a qualitative approach. Sutomo at all times galvanized and stimulated the revolutionary spirit organized into one giant fortress to face the Allies (Britain). Sutomo’s fiery voice shrilled the enemy’s guts we will not stop the fighting as long as the Dutch army is still on the Indonesian mainland. This voice indirectly weakens the spirit of the enemy who already feels anxious to face the fierce resistance of the Indonesian nation. In leadership has implemented strategic leadership, as well as has a bureaucratic leadership style, charismatic leadership style, analistic leadership style and visionary leadership style. Sutomo strategic leadership can be used as an example for Indonesian citizens, especially for youth to model their strategic leadership, namely in terms of decision making needed to think

critically and think analytically, in order to predict the future impact of the decisions taken.

Keywords: Leadership, Surabaya, Sutomo, War, Strategic.


Surabaya is included in the territory of West Indonesia precisely in the region of East Java. Based on historical research, it shows that Surabaya developed from the village of Ujung Galuh located in the mouth of Kali Surabaya, which joined pacekan village, which is located in the present municipal area. Galuh end is also called Sugalu or Suyalu, but the name of Curabhaya Village is already in the inscription Trowulan I (1358 AD), even though the place already existed before[1]. The victory of Allied forces in World War II against its enemies Germany, Italy and Japan had a major impact on the colonies of Germany, Italy, and Japan including Indonesia which is a Japanese colony. This provided an opportunity for the allied countries to re-establish their power against the colonial state that had been seized by the Fascist state. This opportunity was utilized by the Dutch to re-colonize Indonesia or the Dutch East Indies terms preferred by the Dutch. Countries that lose wars are obliged to maintain the “status quo” of their colonies. This also applies to Indonesia which is a Japanese-occupied territory[2].

News of Japan’s surrender to the Allies temporarily became a secret because people were afraid to talk about it openly to make the situation in society even more tense. This tension lasted until on August 17, 1945 the proclamation of Indonesian independence was read by President Sukarno in Jakarta. News about the proclamation of Indonesian independence can penetrate Surabaya the state of surabaya city is still covered by tensions[4]. The proclamation of Indonesian independence has a big impact on the people of Indonesia, Indonesia is independent with the raising of the Red and White flag in various regions including in Surabaya. This was a blatant violation of the “status quo” that had to be maintained and maintained by the Japanese army that had become a tool of the Allied army. So no wonder there are often incidents or bloody clashes between Japanese soldiers who must maintain the “status quo” with surabaya arek-arek. The condition of Arek-arek Surabaya at that time could be filled with bonek “bondo desperate” because it began desperate to carry out siege and raid on the Japanese headquarters[5]. In the battle of Surabaya 1945 there was a figure who was able to burn the spirit of the people of Surabaya to dare to die against the invaders, the figure is Sutomo or better known as Sutomo. In Sutomo speeches often say Allahu Akbar (Allah is great). Sutomo is known as the leader of barisan Barisan Rakyat Indonesia (BPRI) who always speaks on the rebellion radio to burn the spirit of resistance of surabaya people’s fighters. Sutomo at all times galvanized and stimulated the revolutionary spirit organized into one giant fortress to face the Allies (Britain). Sutomo’s fiery voice shrilled at the enemy’s guts with cries of we will not stop fighting as long as the Dutch army (foreign troops) are still on the Indonesian mainland[6]. The event made Sutomo close to the people and became popular. Sutomo has a different way of the struggle to maintain independence in Surabaya, namely by inflame the spirit of the people through radio, which is why the author is interested in reviewing and analyzing the Background of the Battle of November 10, 1945 in Surabaya and Reviewing the Role of Sutomo Strategic Leadership in the Battle.

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