Teacher Motivation and O’Level Students’ Performance of the Selected Universal Secondary Education Schools in Masindi District

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Teacher Motivation and O’Level Students’ Performance of the Selected Universal Secondary Education Schools in Masindi District

Angela Nyandera1*, Martin Eturu2, Steven Ainebyona3

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2,3School of Graduate Studies and Research, Team University, Plot 446, Kabaka Ajagara.rd. Kampala-Uganda
*Corresponding Author

Abstract: – The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of teachers’ motivation on O’Level students’ performance in selected USE schools in Masindi district. The study was guided by four research objectives. The research objectives were to examine the role of teacher recognition on performance of students at “O” level, to determine the relationship between remuneration and students’ performance, to examine the influence of reduced workload on students’ performance, to examine the effect of annual salary increment on students’ performance. The sample size was 108 and data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient and Linear Regression. Findings revealed that the government had endeavored to provide conducive working conditions in USE Schools and with these teachers were expected to be motivated to perform better and this would result into good students’ performance. Findings also revealed that recognition of teachers influenced students’ performance. Findings also revealed that remuneration of teachers had a big influence on students’ performance. According to findings, it was also revealed that teachers’ workload had influence on students’ performance. A regression analysis on whether performance was influenced by recognition factors revealed a strong relationship between recognition related factors and students’ performance at “O” level in USE schools.
According to the findings, teachers’ annual salary increment also influenced students’ performance.
The study also concluded that recognition of teachers positively influences students’ performance. A study on the relationship between teachers’ motivation and students’ performance should be carried out to establish the challenges which USE school administrators face in motivating teachers. Study should also be carried out to find out how motivation of teachers can be sustained. A study should also be carried out in private secondary schools in Masindi for comparative purposes.

Keywords: Teacher Motivation, Students’ Performance, Recognition, Remuneration, Salary Increments and Teacher Workload.