Teacher Training: A Critical Factor in the Implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Nzaui Sub County in Makueni County, Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VI, June 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Teacher Training: A Critical Factor in the Implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Nzaui Sub County in Makueni County, Kenya

Patrice K. Kyule1, Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu2*
1M. Ed Candidate: South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya
2Lecturer, South Eastern Kenya University, Kenya
*Corresponding Author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- Teacher performance appraisal is a key element in management process in institutions of learning. The implementations of performance appraisal amongst teachers largely depend on their level of training which forms the focus of this study. This study discusses teacher training as a critical factor in the implementation of teacher performance appraisal. The study had three specific objectives namely; assessing the status of teacher training on performance appraisal, establishing the type of training attended by teachers on performance appraisal and determining the influence teacher training on the implementation of performance appraisal in public secondary schools in Nzaui Sub County, Makueni County, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was all principals and teachers in public secondary schools in Nzaui Sub County, Makueni County. The study employed stratified sampling technique and random sampling for teachers and census sampling for principals to select 140 teachers and 50 principals. Data was collected using questionnaires. Validity of the research instruments was ascertained by piloting of the test items while reliability of the questionnaires was ascertained by a test-re-test technique. Data was analyzed using SPSS software and presented in frequency distribution tables and percentages. The study established that teacher training on performance appraisal influenced the implementation of their performance appraisal in public secondary schools in Nzaui Sub County, Makueni County. The study recommends that teachers should be adequately trained on performance appraisal practices.

Key Words: – Teacher Training, Implementation, Teacher performance Appraisal


1.1 Background to the Study

Performance appraisal has been lauded as an important tool which has the potential for improving performance of employees in organizations. Performance appraisal is the process through which performance qualifications of employees are evaluated against the requirements of the employee’s job