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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Teachers’ Ethical Behaviour: A Panacea for Curbing Corruption in Public Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Balafama Ipalibo-Wokoma, Prof. C. U. Madumere Obike, Dr. S. C. Anyamele
Department of Educational Management, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract:- The study examined teachers’ ethical behaviour as a panacea for corruption in public secondary schools in Rivers State. The teacher is a major tool for the achievement of educational goals and objectives. It is glaring that corruption which is the systematic use of public office for personal/private benefit has gone far in educational system. This calls for a professional code of conduct to guide the behavior of the teacher.Therefore teachers’ professional code of ethics are generally intended to guide and regulate the conduct of the teachers, so as to abide by the rules and regulations that were formulated by members in the teaching industry for the improvement of their professional interest and welfare.A teacher as an input operator in the education system who is charged with the responsibility of converting raw materials into finished goods, that is dynamic students must possess the ethical values of the teaching profession in order to reduce the damages of corruption. Therefore the study identified accountability, fairness, efficiency and integrity as ways of managing corruption in secondary education.It further identified some challenges such as: lack of teachers’ professional development. lack of interest in the teaching profession, conflict of interest and teachers addiction to drugs and alcohol was also discussed as challenges. Nevertheless the followings were suggested as the way forward; Government and educational stakeholders should encourage and sponsor teachers’ professional training, teachers’ code of conduct should be made available to all teachers, among others.

Key Words: Teachers’ Ethical Behaviour, Corruption, Secondary Education.


Education is an asset, a preparation for life; a change agent. It is a tool for effective service delivery for sustainable societal development. The teacher is a major tool for the achievement of educational goals and objectives.This calls for a professional code of conduct to guide the behavior of the teacher. Therefore the teachers, educationists have it as a duty to provide the type of education that meets the needs, aspirations and values of the society, because education has a lasting effect on individuals and it also influences the society in several morally, spiritually, intellectually and physically.

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