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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Teachers Quality Education in Tanzania: The Role of In-Service Training Programme

Dr. Nashir A Kamugisha
Lecturer: Muslim University of Morogoro-Tanzania

IJRISS Call for paper

Purpose: This research was about designing an intervention to enhance the quality of Geography teachers in Tanzania. The research was skewed in this topic because teachers’ professional development is often regarded as the key factor to student achievement. With these regards, professional development through in-service training needs to be considered as an important agenda to the country as well as to researchers. The present research captured this demand, through designing the teacher professional development program named as Experience the Lacked Knowledge Content and Pedagogical Skills (EKCPS). The main aim was to provide measures to upgrade teachers’ quality in teaching by experiencing them with their lacked knowledge content and pedagogical skills of practical Geography, so they use competence based approach in their teaching processes.
Methodology: This research employed action research approach. Then, both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed during data collection and analysis. In this research, sampling strategies were employed. Purposive non- probability sampling was used, to select the competent experts to participate in evaluating the newly designed EKCPS material. Then, randomly probability sampling was used to select 6 secondary schools out 44 secondary schools in Morogoro Municipality to participate in the workshop training. Afterward, the purposive sampling was used too to select 3 schools from those participated on the workshop training to the final cycle of field testing the designed EKCPS programme material in the classroom setting.
Findings: The study revealed that the material designed and in-service training provided to teachers have positive impact to quality teaching.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended; the government to consider social science teachers in the programs related to teachers’ professional development and improvement in case of any curriculum reforms. Team teaching should be encouraged so that teachers who are acquainted with the application of learner-centered approach could help those who are not. Furthermore, the study recommended other researchers use lessons from this study to improve teachers’ knowledge and skills on the use of learner-centered approach.

Keywords: Teachers’ Education Quality (TEQ), Designing, Knowledge content and Pedagogical skills

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