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Testing the Validity and Reliability of Drug Addiction Recovery Instrument in Male Drug User in CCRC

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Testing the Validity and Reliability of Drug Addiction Recovery Instrument in Male Drug User in CCRC

Norashida, S.R.1, Norshahira, O.2, Lukman, Z.M.3

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2,3 Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, 20300, Terengganu, Malaysia

Abstract- Drug addiction recovery is a fundamental factor for drug users to restart normal life and get back to the society. It is also a vital stage of drug treatment as it can be an indication or evidence whether the procedures used during treatment is suitable or not in helping addicts from drug problem. This study has been purposely conducted as to develop a drug addiction recovery instrument and to measure the recuperation level of drug addicts who were treated in the rehabilitation centre. The study is conducted to test the validity and reliability of DART instruments involving four component consisting of DDA, DPRA, DRA, and CMSA. Therefore, the factors contributing to drug addiction recovery based on conceptual framework derived from previous studies conducted by other researchers. The results show that the DART instrument had high Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.790 (DDA), 0.873 (DPRA), 0.881 (DRA), 0.845 (CMSA). PCA analysis has been used to evaluate these items either necessary to be retained or dropped. The results of the study found that all the items built have met the measurement characteristics of an instrument and can be used as a tool to measure the drug recovery addiction level.

Keywords- Addiction Recovery, Drug Dependency, Drug Abuse Possible Relapse, Drug Resiliency and Client Mental Strength


Drug recovery is personal and a process of individual change that focuses more on attitudes, values, goals, skills and roles ([1] [2]). Recovery also refers to a new meaning in one’s life after successfully overcoming the ‘tragedy’ of drug addiction ([3] [4]). Being able to cope with addiction can mean that drug addicts are going through a difficult phase and this can lead to better change in their lives. Drug addicts often want to stay in recovery by finding suitable and loved jobs in the community to continue their lives [5]. There had three stages of recovery are early recovery, middle recovery and late recovery [6]. Although the role of institutional orientation in drug rehabilitation is known to be important, there are internal and external factors that have been identified as influencing addiction recovery processes.

Addiction recovery is different according to the modules and programs that have been set for each rehabilitation centre in Malaysia. In this country, rehabilitation centre are divided into two types of centre: government rehabilitation centre and private drug rehabilitation centre. These institutions are helping drug addicts cope with the programs and modules that have been provided.

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